OSHA每年都會(huì )基于他們對企業(yè)處罰的種類(lèi)進(jìn)行統計并對社會(huì )發(fā)布年度十大企業(yè)被處罰的違規。
在2019年美國安全理事會(huì )大會(huì )和博覽會(huì )上,OSHA發(fā)布了OSHA標準適用的所有行業(yè)違反行為最常被引用的十大標準的結果。2019年,OSHA在其前十大類(lèi)別中發(fā)布了近2.7萬(wàn)份傳票。
國家安全委員會(huì )主席兼首席執行官黛博拉·A·P·赫斯曼(Deborah A.P.Hersman)說(shuō):“了解工人是如何受傷的,對確保他們的安全大有裨益。”“OSHA十大名單列出了需要提高警惕的領(lǐng)域,以確保每個(gè)人每天都能安全回家。”
OSHA執法計劃局副局長(cháng)帕特里克·卡普斯特(Patrick Kapust)表示,這些年來(lái),結果沒(méi)有太大變化。雖然這可能感覺(jué)像是一張被打破的唱片一遍又一遍地播放,但對于雇主來(lái)說(shuō),這真的是一個(gè)機會(huì ),可以通過(guò)主動(dòng)識別危險和培訓員工安全工作來(lái)改變他們對工作場(chǎng)所安全的看法。
卡普斯特建議企業(yè)主和雇主在審查這份違規清單時(shí)采取簡(jiǎn)單的方法。“把清單拿出來(lái),”卡普斯特說(shuō),“把你自己的工作場(chǎng)所從清單上去掉。“這些就是OSHA正在發(fā)現的東西。”他們會(huì )在我的工作場(chǎng)所找到這些嗎?這是一個(gè)很好的起點(diǎn)。“
以下是2019年期間最常被引用的OSHA最高違規標準。這份清單每年都不會(huì )有太大的變化,而且這份清單總是包括建筑(1926年)和一般工業(yè)(1910年)標準。
1. 墜落保護1926.501
2. 危害告知1910.1200
3. 腳手架1926.451
4. 上鎖掛牌1910.147
5. 呼吸防護1910.134
6. 梯子1926.1053
7. 工業(yè)卡車(chē)1910.17
8. 墜落防護-訓練要求1926.503
9. 機器防護1910.212
10. 眼睛和面部保護1926.102
卡普斯特說(shuō):“作為雇主,這份清單可以為您提供一個(gè)起點(diǎn)。” “您可以查看此列表,找出根本原因,進(jìn)行分析并在傷害發(fā)生之前制止它。”
Exposed: OSHA's Top 10 Workplace Safety Violations
At the National Safety Council 2019 Congress & Expo, OSHA released the results of the Top 10 standards most frequently cited for violations across all industries for which OSHA standards apply. OSHA issued nearly 27,000 citations in its Top 10 categories during 2019.
“Knowing how workers are hurt can go a long way toward keeping them safe,” said National Safety Council President and CEO Deborah A.P. Hersman. “The OSHA Top 10 list calls out areas that require increased vigilance to ensure everyone goes home safely each day.”
Deputy director of OSHA'S Directorate of Enforcement Programs, Patrick Kapust,
1. Fall Protection 1926.501
Fall Protection has been the number one most cited violation for the past several years. The fall protection standard is designed to prevent falls, which, according to statistics, account for just about 40 percent of deaths in the construction industry. Not surprisingly, most fall accidents happen on residential work sites where there is little oversight given to fall protection requirements.
To prevent fall injuries and fatalities, it is critical that employers supply their workers with guardrail systems, safety net systems or personal fall arrest systems when working at heights is required. In addition to just providing proper fall protection, the employer is also responsible for ensuring that all employees are trained on how to properly use fall protection and know when to use it.
2. Hazard Communication 1910.1200
The Hazard Communication standard addresses chemical hazards produced or used in the workplace. OSHA’s standard for hazard communication is in line with the international standard but this is still the #2 most cited OSHA violation.
3. Scaffolding 1926.451
The OSHA Scaffolding standard covers safety requirements for scaffolding, which should be designed by a qualified person and constructed exactly in accordance with that design. Employers are required to protect all workers that use scaffolding from falls and falling objects. In addition, all scaffolds should be inspected by a competent person before use by the workers. The workers affected the most by scaffolding hazards include those in charge of framing, roofing, siding, and masonry.
4. Lockout/Tag out 1910.147
Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) affects workers that service, repair and maintain equipment or machines. Hazards exist if the equipment being handled can suddenly become energized or started during work.
5. Respiratory Protection 1910.134
OSHA’s Respiratory Protection standard directs employers on establishing and maintaining a respiratory protection program in the workplace. All aspects of respiratory protection are covered in this standard including procedures, administration, selection, training, fit testing, evaluation, use, cleaning, maintenance and repair. Employers should be familiar with OSHA’s requirements for voluntary use of respirator dust masks too!.
6. Ladders 1926.1053
7. Powered Industrial Trucks 1910.178
8. Fall Protection - Training Requirements 1926.503
9. Machine Guarding 1910.212
10. Eye and Face Protection 1926.102
"As an employer, what this list can do is give you a place to start," Kapust says. "You can take a look at this list, identify root causes, perform analysis and stop an injury before it occurs."